* format: update syntax of `in process` anotation (CONTRIBUTING-*)
from (🚧 *in process*)
to *(🚧 in process)*
* format: apply notes syntax to `in_process` resources
- Applied note `*(🚧 in process)*` translating `in process` to underlying language there where we have previous translated text
- Used regex to detect most of notes: `((\*[^\*]+\*)|(_[^_]+_))`
* apply to new resources added in #7082
* Update books/free-programming-books-subjects.md
Co-authored-by: Leithen <lcrider@cvent.com>
Co-authored-by: Eric Hellman <eric@hellman.net>
Co-authored-by: Leithen <lcrider@cvent.com>
* [A Byte of Python - Einführung in Python](https://sourceforge.net/projects/abop-german.berlios/files) - Swaroop C H, Bernd Hengelein, Lutz Horn, Bernhard Krieger, Christoph Zwerschke (PDF)
* [A Byte of Python - Einführung in Python](https://sourceforge.net/projects/abop-german.berlios/files) - Swaroop C H, Bernd Hengelein, Lutz Horn, Bernhard Krieger, Christoph Zwerschke (PDF)
* [Programmiereinführung mit Python](http://opentechschool.github.io/python-beginners/de) (Online)
* [Programmiereinführung mit Python](http://opentechschool.github.io/python-beginners/de) (Online)
* [PyQt und PySide: GUI und Anwendungsentwicklung mit Python und Qt](https://github.com/pbouda/pyqt-und-pyside-buch) - Peter Bouda, Michael Palmer, Markus Wirz (TeX, [PDF](https://github.com/pbouda/pyqt-und-pyside-buch/releases/latest)) *(:construction: in process)*
* [PyQt und PySide: GUI und Anwendungsentwicklung mit Python und Qt](https://github.com/pbouda/pyqt-und-pyside-buch) - Peter Bouda, Michael Palmer, Dr. Markus Wirz (TeX, [PDF](https://github.com/pbouda/pyqt-und-pyside-buch/releases/latest)) *(:construction: in Bearbeitung)*
* [Python 3 - Das umfassende Handbuch](http://openbook.rheinwerk-verlag.de/python) - Johannes Ernesti, Peter Kaiser (Online)
* [Python 3 - Das umfassende Handbuch](http://openbook.rheinwerk-verlag.de/python) - Johannes Ernesti, Peter Kaiser (Online)
* [Belajar Pemrograman C untuk Pemula](https://www.petanikode.com/tutorial/c/) - Ahmad Muhardian (:construction: *in process*)
* [Belajar Pemrograman C untuk Pemula](https://www.petanikode.com/tutorial/c/) - Ahmad Muhardian *(:construction: in process)*
* [Tutorial Belajar Bahasa Pemrograman C Untuk Pemula](https://www.duniailkom.com/tutorial-belajar-bahasa-pemrograman-c-bagi-pemula/) - Duniailkom
* [Tutorial Belajar Bahasa Pemrograman C Untuk Pemula](https://www.duniailkom.com/tutorial-belajar-bahasa-pemrograman-c-bagi-pemula/) - Duniailkom
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
* [Codeigniter Untuk Pemula](https://repository.bsi.ac.id/index.php/unduh/item/176695/Tutorial-Codeigniter-Untuk-Pemula.pdf) - M Fikri Setiadi (PDF)
* [Codeigniter Untuk Pemula](https://repository.bsi.ac.id/index.php/unduh/item/176695/Tutorial-Codeigniter-Untuk-Pemula.pdf) - M Fikri Setiadi (PDF)
* [Framework Codeigniter - Sebuah Panduan dan Best Practice](https://gilacoding.com/upload/file/Tutorial%20framework%20codeigniter.pdf) - Gila Coding (PDF)
* [Framework Codeigniter - Sebuah Panduan dan Best Practice](https://gilacoding.com/upload/file/Tutorial%20framework%20codeigniter.pdf) - Gila Coding (PDF)
* [Panduan Pengguna CodeIgniter Indonesia](https://codeigniter-id.github.io/user-guide/) - CodeIgniter Indonesia
* [Panduan Pengguna CodeIgniter Indonesia](https://codeigniter-id.github.io/user-guide/) - CodeIgniter Indonesia
@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [APL2 at a glance](https://ia801009.us.archive.org/28/items/apl-2-at-a-glance-brown-pakin-polivka/APL2_at_a_Glance_-_Brown_Pakin_Polivka.pdf) - James A. Brown, Sandra Pakin, Raymond P. Polivka - 1988 (PDF)
* [APL2 at a glance](https://ia801009.us.archive.org/28/items/apl-2-at-a-glance-brown-pakin-polivka/APL2_at_a_Glance_-_Brown_Pakin_Polivka.pdf) - James A. Brown, Sandra Pakin, Raymond P. Polivka - 1988 (PDF)
* [Introduction to College Mathematics with A Programming Language (1978)](http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/apl/Books/CollegeMathematicswithAPL) - E. J. LeCuyer (PDF)
* [Introduction to College Mathematics with A Programming Language (1978)](http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/apl/Books/CollegeMathematicswithAPL) - E. J. LeCuyer (PDF)
* [Learning APL](https://xpqz.github.io/learnapl) - Stefan Kruger (HTML,PDF,IPYNB)
* [Learning APL](https://xpqz.github.io/learnapl) - Stefan Kruger (HTML,PDF,IPYNB)
* [Mastering Dyalog APL](http://www.dyalog.com/mastering-dyalog-apl.htm) (PDF, HTML, IPYNB) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Reinforcement Learning From The Ground Up](https://romilly.github.io/o-x-o) - Romilly Cocking (PDF,HTML,IPYNB) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Reinforcement Learning From The Ground Up](https://romilly.github.io/o-x-o) - Romilly Cocking (PDF,HTML,IPYNB) *(:construction: in process)*
### App Inventor
### App Inventor
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [Arduino Projects Book](https://www.eitkw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Arduino_Projects_Book.pdf) - Scott Fitzgerald and Michael Shiloh (PDF)
* [Arduino Projects Book](https://www.eitkw.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Arduino_Projects_Book.pdf) - Scott Fitzgerald and Michael Shiloh (PDF)
* [Arduino Tips, Tricks, and Techniques](https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/arduino-tips-tricks-and-techniques.pdf) - lady ada (PDF)
* [Arduino Tips, Tricks, and Techniques](https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/downloads/pdf/arduino-tips-tricks-and-techniques.pdf) - lady ada (PDF)
* [Getting started with Arduino – A Beginner’s Guide](http://manuals.makeuseof.com.s3.amazonaws.com/for-mobile/Arduino_-_MakeUseOf.com.pdf) - Brad Kendall (PDF)
* [Getting started with Arduino – A Beginner’s Guide](http://manuals.makeuseof.com.s3.amazonaws.com/for-mobile/Arduino_-_MakeUseOf.com.pdf) - Brad Kendall (PDF)
* [Getting Started with Arduino products](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide) - Official Arduino Documentation (:construction: *in process*)
* [Getting Started with Arduino products](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide) - Official Arduino Documentation *(:construction: in process)*
* [Introduction to Arduino](http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/ManualsAndCurriculum)
* [Introduction to Arduino](http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/ManualsAndCurriculum)
* [Introduction to Arduino : A piece of cake!](http://www.introtoarduino.com) - Alan G. Smith
* [Introduction to Arduino : A piece of cake!](http://www.introtoarduino.com) - Alan G. Smith
* [Learn Arduino](https://riptutorial.com/Download/arduino.pdf) - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
* [Learn Arduino](https://riptutorial.com/Download/arduino.pdf) - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [Architecting Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Microsoft Azure (2020)](https://aka.ms/webappebook) - Steve "ardalis" Smith (PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Architecting Modern Web Applications with ASP.NET Core and Microsoft Azure (2020)](https://aka.ms/webappebook) - Steve "ardalis" Smith (PDF) *(:construction: in process)*
* [ASP.NET MVC Music Store](http://mvcmusicstore.codeplex.com)
* [ASP.NET MVC Music Store](http://mvcmusicstore.codeplex.com)
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
### Assembly Language
### Assembly Language
* [A fundamental introduction to x86 assembly prorgamming](https://www.nayuki.io/page/a-fundamental-introduction-to-x86-assembly-programming) - Project Nayuki (HTML)
* [A fundamental introduction to x86 assembly prorgamming](https://www.nayuki.io/page/a-fundamental-introduction-to-x86-assembly-programming) - Project Nayuki (HTML)
* [ARM Assembly Language Programming](http://www.rigwit.co.uk/ARMBook/ARMBook.pdf) - Peter Knaggs (PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [ARM Assembly Language Programming](http://www.rigwit.co.uk/ARMBook/ARMBook.pdf) - Peter Knaggs (PDF) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Assemblers And Loaders (1993)](http://www.davidsalomon.name/assem.advertis/asl.pdf) - David Salomon (PDF)
* [Assemblers And Loaders (1993)](http://www.davidsalomon.name/assem.advertis/asl.pdf) - David Salomon (PDF)
* [Assembly Language Succinctly](https://www.syncfusion.com/succinctly-free-ebooks/assemblylanguage) - Christopher Rose, Syncfusion Inc. (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Kindle)
* [Assembly Language Succinctly](https://www.syncfusion.com/succinctly-free-ebooks/assemblylanguage) - Christopher Rose, Syncfusion Inc. (HTML, PDF, EPUB, Kindle)
* [PC Assembly Language](http://pacman128.github.io/pcasm/) - P. A. Carter
* [PC Assembly Language](http://pacman128.github.io/pcasm/) - P. A. Carter
@ -512,9 +512,9 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
### <aid="cpp"></a>C++
### <aid="cpp"></a>C++
* [A Complete Guide to Standard C++ Algorithms](https://github.com/HappyCerberus/book-cpp-algorithms) - Šimon Tóth (PDF, LaTeX)
* [A Complete Guide to Standard C++ Algorithms](https://github.com/HappyCerberus/book-cpp-algorithms) - Šimon Tóth (PDF, LaTeX) *(:construction: in process)*
* [An Introduction to the USA Computing Olympiad, C++ Edition](https://darrenyao.com/usacobook/cpp.pdf) - Darren Yao (PDF)
* [An Introduction to the USA Computing Olympiad, C++ Edition](https://darrenyao.com/usacobook/cpp.pdf) - Darren Yao (PDF)
* [C++ Annotations](https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/cppannotations) - Frank B. Brokken (HTML, PDF)
* [C++ Annotations](https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/cppannotations/) - Frank B. Brokken (HTML, PDF)
* [C++ Core Guidelines](https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines/blob/master/CppCoreGuidelines.md) - `edt.:` Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter
* [C++ Core Guidelines](https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines/blob/master/CppCoreGuidelines.md) - `edt.:` Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter
* [C++ For Programmers](https://tfetimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/c-for-c-programmers.pdf) - JT Kalnay (PDF)
* [C++ For Programmers](https://tfetimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/c-for-c-programmers.pdf) - JT Kalnay (PDF)
* [C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3](https://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/0131240722/downloads/blanchette_book.pdf) - Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield (PDF)
* [C++ GUI Programming With Qt 3](https://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/0131240722/downloads/blanchette_book.pdf) - Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield (PDF)
@ -702,8 +702,8 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [Joy of Elixir](https://joyofelixir.com) - Ryan Bigg (HTML) - [Source](https://github.com/radar/joyofelixir) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Joy of Elixir](https://joyofelixir.com) - Ryan Bigg (HTML) - [Source](https://github.com/radar/joyofelixir) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Learning Elixir](http://learningelixir.joekain.com) - Joseph Kain Blog (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Learning Elixir](http://learningelixir.joekain.com) - Joseph Kain Blog (HTML)
* [Learning the Elixir Language](https://riptutorial.com/Download/elixir-language.pdf) - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
* [Learning the Elixir Language](https://riptutorial.com/Download/elixir-language.pdf) - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
* [The Ultimate Guide To Elixir For Object-Oriented Programmers](http://www.binarywebpark.com/ultimate-guide-elixir-object-oriented-programmers) - Bruce Park (HTML)
* [The Ultimate Guide To Elixir For Object-Oriented Programmers](http://www.binarywebpark.com/ultimate-guide-elixir-object-oriented-programmers) - Bruce Park (HTML)
@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [Learn CSS Layout the pedantic way](http://book.mixu.net/css/)
* [Learn CSS Layout the pedantic way](http://book.mixu.net/css/)
* [Learn to Code HTML & CSS](https://learn.shayhowe.com) - Shay Howe
* [Learn to Code HTML & CSS](https://learn.shayhowe.com) - Shay Howe
* [Learning sass](https://riptutorial.com/Download/sass.pdf) - Compiled from Stack Overflow documentation (PDF)
* [Learning sass](https://riptutorial.com/Download/sass.pdf) - Compiled from Stack Overflow documentation (PDF)
* [Magic of CSS](https://adamschwartz.co/magic-of-css/) - Adam Schwartz (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Magic of CSS](https://adamschwartz.co/magic-of-css/) - Adam Schwartz (HTML) *(:construction: in process)*
* [MaintainableCSS](http://maintainablecss.com)
* [MaintainableCSS](http://maintainablecss.com)
* [Pocket Guide to Writing SVG](https://svgpocketguide.com) - Joni Trythall
* [Pocket Guide to Writing SVG](https://svgpocketguide.com) - Joni Trythall
* [Practical Series: A website template](https://practicalseries.com/1001-webdevelopment/) - Michael Gledhill (HTML)
* [Practical Series: A website template](https://practicalseries.com/1001-webdevelopment/) - Michael Gledhill (HTML)
@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps](http://pragmatic-backbone.com)
* [A pragmatic guide to Backbone.js apps](http://pragmatic-backbone.com)
* [Real World OCaml](https://dev.realworldocaml.org/toc.html)
* [Real World OCaml](https://dev.realworldocaml.org/toc.html)
* [Think OCaml](http://greenteapress.com/thinkocaml/index.html) - Allen B. Downey, Nicholas Monje
* [Think OCaml](http://greenteapress.com/thinkocaml/index.html) - Allen B. Downey, Nicholas Monje
* [Unix System Programming in OCaml](http://ocaml.github.io/ocamlunix/) - Xavier Leroy, Didier Rémy (HTML, [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlunix/))
* [Unix System Programming in OCaml](http://ocaml.github.io/ocamlunix/) - Xavier Leroy, Didier Rémy (HTML, [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/ocaml/ocamlunix/))
@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [From Python to NumPy](https://www.labri.fr/perso/nrougier/from-python-to-numpy/) - Nicolas P. Rougier (3.6)
* [From Python to NumPy](https://www.labri.fr/perso/nrougier/from-python-to-numpy/) - Nicolas P. Rougier (3.6)
* [Full Stack Python](https://www.fullstackpython.com) - Matt Makai
* [Full Stack Python](https://www.fullstackpython.com) - Matt Makai
* [Functional Programming in Python](https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/functional-programming-in-python) - David Mertz
* [Functional Programming in Python](https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/functional-programming-in-python) - David Mertz
* [Fundamentals of Python Programming](https://web.archive.org/web/20191005170430/http://python.cs.southern.edu/pythonbook/pythonbook.pdf) - Richard L. Halterman (PDF) (:construction: *in process*) *(:card_file_box: archived)*
* [Fundamentals of Python Programming](https://web.archive.org/web/20191005170430/http://python.cs.southern.edu/pythonbook/pythonbook.pdf) - Richard L. Halterman (PDF) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Qt5 Cadaques](http://qmlbook.github.io) - Juergen Bocklage-Ryannel, Johan Thelin (HTML, PDF, ePub) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Qt6 Book](https://www.qt.io/product/qt6/qml-book/preface-preface) - Johan Thelin, Jürgen Bocklage-Ryannel, Cyril Lorquet (HTML, PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Qt6 Book](https://www.qt.io/product/qt6/qml-book/preface-preface) - Johan Thelin, Jürgen Bocklage-Ryannel, Cyril Lorquet (HTML, PDF) *(:construction: in process)*
### R
### R
@ -2213,7 +2213,7 @@ Books on general-purpose programming that don't focus on a specific language are
* [Raku One-Liners](https://andrewshitov.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Raku-One-Liners.pdf) - Andrew Shitov (PDF)
* [Raku One-Liners](https://andrewshitov.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Raku-One-Liners.pdf) - Andrew Shitov (PDF)
* [Sistemas Operacionais: Conceitos e Mecanismos](http://wiki.inf.ufpr.br/maziero/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=socm:socm-livro.pdf) - Carlos A. Maziero (PDF) (:construction: *em contínuo desenvolvimento*)
* [Sistemas Operacionais: Conceitos e Mecanismos](http://wiki.inf.ufpr.br/maziero/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=socm:socm-livro.pdf) - Carlos A. Maziero (PDF) *(:construction: em contínuo desenvolvimento)*
### Android
### Android
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
* [Análise de Algoritmos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/analise_de_algoritmos/) - Paulo Feofiloff (HTML)
* [Análise de Algoritmos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/analise_de_algoritmos/) - Paulo Feofiloff (HTML)
* [Exercícios de Teoria dos Grafos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/grafos-exercicios/) - Paulo Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Exercícios de Teoria dos Grafos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/grafos-exercicios/) - Paulo Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Matemática Fundacional para Computação - Em progresso](https://www.tsouanas.org/fmcbook/) - Thanos Tsouanas (:construction: *in process*)
* [Matemática Fundacional para Computação - Em progresso](https://www.tsouanas.org/fmcbook/) - Thanos Tsouanas *(:construction: em contínuo desenvolvimento)*
* [Minicurso de Análise de Algoritmos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/livrinho-AA/) - Paulo Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Minicurso de Análise de Algoritmos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/livrinho-AA/) - Paulo Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Otimização Combinatória](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/otimizacao-combinatoria/) - Paulo Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Otimização Combinatória](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/otimizacao-combinatoria/) - Paulo Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Uma Introdução Sucinta à Teoria dos Grafos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/teoriadosgrafos/) - Y. Kohayakawa, Y. Wakabayashi, P. Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Uma Introdução Sucinta à Teoria dos Grafos](https://www.ime.usp.br/~pf/teoriadosgrafos/) - Y. Kohayakawa, Y. Wakabayashi, P. Feofiloff (PDF)
* [Distributed Systems 3rd edition](https://www.distributed-systems.net/index.php/books/ds3/) - Maarten van Steen, Andrew S. Tanenbaum *(email address required)*
* [Distributed Systems 3rd edition](https://www.distributed-systems.net/index.php/books/ds3/) - Maarten van Steen, Andrew S. Tanenbaum *(email address required)*
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRAM
### Game Development
### Game Development
* [2D Game Development: From Zero To Hero](https://github.com/Penaz91/2DGD_F0TH) - Daniele Penazzo (HTML, [PDF, EBPUB, Kindle...](https://therealpenaz91.itch.io/2dgd-f0th#download)) (:construction: *in process*)
* [2D Game Development: From Zero To Hero](https://github.com/Penaz91/2DGD_F0TH) - Daniele Penazzo (HTML, [PDF, EBPUB, Kindle...](https://therealpenaz91.itch.io/2dgd-f0th#download)) *(:construction: in process)*
* [3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development](https://gamemath.com/book/intro.html) - Fletcher Dunn (HTML)
* [3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development](https://gamemath.com/book/intro.html) - Fletcher Dunn (HTML)
* [Coding With Minecraft](https://turtleappstore.com/book/) - Al Sweigart
* [Coding With Minecraft](https://turtleappstore.com/book/) - Al Sweigart
* [Designing Virtual Worlds](https://mud.co.uk/richard/DesigningVirtualWorlds.pdf) - Richard A. Bartle (PDF)
* [Designing Virtual Worlds](https://mud.co.uk/richard/DesigningVirtualWorlds.pdf) - Richard A. Bartle (PDF)
@ -314,16 +314,16 @@ Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRAM
* [3D Game Shaders For Beginners](https://github.com/lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners) - David Lettier (Git) [(HTML)](https://lettier.github.io/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners)
* [3D Game Shaders For Beginners](https://github.com/lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners) - David Lettier (Git) [(HTML)](https://lettier.github.io/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners)
* [Blender 3D: Noob to Pro](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D%3A_Noob_to_Pro) - Wikibooks
* [Blender 3D: Noob to Pro](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D%3A_Noob_to_Pro) - Wikibooks
* [Graphics Programming Black Book](https://www.gamedev.net/tutorials/_/technical/graphics-programming-and-theory/graphics-programming-black-book-r1698/) - Michael Abrash (PDF)
* [Graphics Programming Black Book](https://www.gamedev.net/tutorials/_/technical/graphics-programming-and-theory/graphics-programming-black-book-r1698/) - Michael Abrash (PDF)
* [Introduction to Modern OpenGL](https://open.gl) - Alexander Overvoorde (HTML, EPUB, PDF) (C++)
* [Introduction to Modern OpenGL](https://open.gl) - Alexander Overvoorde (HTML, EPUB, PDF) (C++)
* [Introduction to TouchDesigner 099](https://leanpub.com/introductiontotouchdesigner/) *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [Introduction to TouchDesigner 099](https://leanpub.com/introductiontotouchdesigner/) *(Leanpub account or valid email requested)*
* [JPEG - Idea and Practice](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/JPEG_-_Idea_and_Practice)
* [JPEG - Idea and Practice](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/JPEG_-_Idea_and_Practice)
* [Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!](https://www.scratchapixel.com) - Scratchapixel *(:construction: in process)*
* [Learn OpenGL](https://learnopengl.com) - Joey de Vries
* [Learn OpenGL](https://learnopengl.com) - Joey de Vries
* [Learn OpenGL RS](https://github.com/bwasty/learn-opengl-rs) - Benjamin Wasty, et al. (:construction: *in process*) (Rust)
* [Learn OpenGL RS](https://github.com/bwasty/learn-opengl-rs) - Benjamin Wasty, et al. *(:construction: in process)*
* [Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming](https://web.archive.org/web/20150225192611/http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/index.html) - Jason L. McKesson (draft) *(:card_file_box: archived)*
* [Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming](https://web.archive.org/web/20150225192611/http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/index.html) - Jason L. McKesson (draft) *(:card_file_box: archived)*
* [Notes for a Computer Graphics Programming Course](https://dokumen.tips/documents/computer-grafics-notes.html) - Steve Cunningham (PDF)
* [Notes for a Computer Graphics Programming Course](https://dokumen.tips/documents/computer-grafics-notes.html) - Steve Cunningham (PDF)
* [OpenGL](https://www.songho.ca/opengl/index.html) - Concepts and illustrations
* [OpenGL](https://www.songho.ca/opengl/index.html) - Concepts and illustrations
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRAM
* [A Byte of Vim](https://www.swaroopch.com/notes/vim/) - Swaroop (PDF)
* [A Byte of Vim](https://www.swaroopch.com/notes/vim/) - Swaroop (PDF)
* [GNU Emacs Manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html) - Free Software Foundation Inc. (HTML, PDF)
* [GNU Emacs Manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html) - Free Software Foundation Inc. (HTML, PDF)
* [Learn Vim (the Smart Way)](https://github.com/iggredible/Learn-Vim) - Igor Irianto (HTML) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Learn Vim (the Smart Way)](https://github.com/iggredible/Learn-Vim) - Igor Irianto (HTML) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Learn Vim For the Last Time](https://danielmiessler.com/study/vim/) - Daniel Miessler
* [Learn Vim For the Last Time](https://danielmiessler.com/study/vim/) - Daniel Miessler
* [Learn Vim Progressively](https://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/) - Yann Esposito
* [Learn Vim Progressively](https://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/) - Yann Esposito
* [Learn Vimscript the Hard Way](https://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com) - Steve Losh
* [Learn Vimscript the Hard Way](https://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com) - Steve Losh
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRAM
* [Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python](https://github.com/rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python)
* [Kalman and Bayesian Filters in Python](https://github.com/rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python)
* [Knapsack Problems - Algorithms and Computer Implementations](http://www.or.deis.unibo.it/knapsack.html) - Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth
* [Knapsack Problems - Algorithms and Computer Implementations](http://www.or.deis.unibo.it/knapsack.html) - Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth
* [Lecture Notes of Linear Algebra](https://home.iitk.ac.in/~psraj/mth102/lecture_notes.html) - P. Shunmugaraj, IIT Kanpur (PDF)
* [Lecture Notes of Linear Algebra](https://home.iitk.ac.in/~psraj/mth102/lecture_notes.html) - P. Shunmugaraj, IIT Kanpur (PDF)
* [Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra](https://home.iitk.ac.in/~arlal/book/LA_Solution_Dec20.pdf) - Arbind K Lal, Sukant Pati (PDF) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra](https://home.iitk.ac.in/~arlal/book/LA_Solution_Dec20.pdf) - Dr. Arbind K Lal, Sukant Pati (PDF) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Lies, Damned Lies, or Statistics: How to Tell the Truth with Statistics](https://www.poritz.net/jonathan/share/ldlos.pdf) - Jonathan A. Poritz (PDF)
* [Lies, Damned Lies, or Statistics: How to Tell the Truth with Statistics](https://www.poritz.net/jonathan/share/ldlos.pdf) - Jonathan A. Poritz (PDF)
* [Linear Algebra](https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~linear/linear-guest.pdf) - David Cherney et al. (PDF)
* [Linear Algebra](https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~linear/linear-guest.pdf) - David Cherney et al. (PDF)
* [Linear Algebra](http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linearalgebra/) - Jim Hefferon
* [Linear Algebra](http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linearalgebra/) - Jim Hefferon
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ Books that cover a specific programming language can be found in the [BY PROGRAM
* [A short introduction to operating systems (2001)](https://markburgess.org/os/os.pdf) - Mark Burgess (PDF)
* [A short introduction to operating systems (2001)](https://markburgess.org/os/os.pdf) - Mark Burgess (PDF)
* [Computer Science from the Bottom Up](https://www.bottomupcs.com) - Ian Wienand (PDF)
* [Computer Science from the Bottom Up](https://www.bottomupcs.com) - Ian Wienand (PDF)
* [Flexible Operating System Internals: The Design and Implementation of the Anykernel and Rump Kernels](https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/6318) - Antti Kantee (PDF)
* [Flexible Operating System Internals: The Design and Implementation of the Anykernel and Rump Kernels](https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/6318) - Antti Kantee (PDF)
* [How to Make a Computer Operating System](https://github.com/SamyPesse/How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System) - Samy Pesse (:construction: *in process*)
* [How to Make a Computer Operating System](https://github.com/SamyPesse/How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System) - Samy Pesse *(:construction: in process)*
* [How to write a simple operating system in assembly language](https://mikeos.sourceforge.net/write-your-own-os.html) - Mike Saunders (HTML)
* [How to write a simple operating system in assembly language](https://mikeos.sourceforge.net/write-your-own-os.html) - Mike Saunders (HTML)
* [Making Servers Work: A Practical Guide to Linux System Administration](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/books/sysadmin-ebook-making-servers-work) - Jamon Camisso (PDF, EPUB)
* [Making Servers Work: A Practical Guide to Linux System Administration](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/books/sysadmin-ebook-making-servers-work) - Jamon Camisso (PDF, EPUB)
* [Operating Systems and Middleware](https://gustavus.edu/mcs/max/os-book/) - Max Hailperin (PDF, LaTeX)
* [Operating Systems and Middleware](https://gustavus.edu/mcs/max/os-book/) - Max Hailperin (PDF, LaTeX)
* [Clean Code Developer: An initiative for more professionalism in software development](https://www.gitbook.com/book/ccd_school/clean-code-developer-com/details) (:construction: *in process*)
* [Clean Code Developer: An initiative for more professionalism in software development](https://www.gitbook.com/book/ccd_school/clean-code-developer-com/details) *(:construction: in process)*
* [Confessions of an IT Manager](https://www.red-gate.com/library/confessions-of-an-it-manager) - Phil Factor (PDF)
* [Confessions of an IT Manager](https://www.red-gate.com/library/confessions-of-an-it-manager) - Phil Factor (PDF)
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice](https://www.red-gate.com/library/dont-just-roll-the-dice) - Neil Davidson (PDF)
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice](https://www.red-gate.com/library/dont-just-roll-the-dice) - Neil Davidson (PDF)
* [How to Do What You Love & Earn What You’re Worth as a Programmer](https://leanpub.com/dowhatyoulove/read) - Reginald Braithwaite
* [How to Do What You Love & Earn What You’re Worth as a Programmer](https://leanpub.com/dowhatyoulove/read) - Reginald Braithwaite
* [How to Stand Out as a Software Engineer](https://github.com/lvndry/how-to-stand-out-as-a-software-engineer/blob/main/how_to_stand_out_as_a_software_engineer.pdf) - Landry Monga (PDF)
* [How to Stand Out as a Software Engineer](https://github.com/lvndry/how-to-stand-out-as-a-software-engineer/blob/main/how_to_stand_out_as_a_software_engineer.pdf) - Landry Monga (PDF)
* [Professional Software Development For Students](https://mixmastamyk.bitbucket.io/pro_soft_dev/intro.html) - Mike G. Miller
* [Professional Software Development For Students](https://mixmastamyk.bitbucket.io/pro_soft_dev/intro.html) - Mike G. Miller
* [Software Engineering at Google](https://abseil.io/resources/swe-book) - Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, Hyrum Wright
* [Software Engineering at Google](https://abseil.io/resources/swe-book) - Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, Hyrum Wright
* [Software Environment Concepts](https://softwareconcepts.vercel.app) - Amr Elmohamady (:construction: *in process*)
* [Software Environment Concepts](https://softwareconcepts.vercel.app) - Amr Elmohamady *(:construction: in process)*
* [What I've Learned From Failure](https://leanpub.com/shippingsoftware/read) - Reginald Braithwaite
* [What I've Learned From Failure](https://leanpub.com/shippingsoftware/read) - Reginald Braithwaite
* [Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ace/media/gray-hat-hacking.pdf) - Allen Harper, Jonathan Ness, Chris Eagle, Shon Harris, Gideon Lenkey, Terron Williams (PDF)
* [Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker's Handbook](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ace/media/gray-hat-hacking.pdf) - Allen Harper, Jonathan Ness, Chris Eagle, Shon Harris, Gideon Lenkey, Terron Williams (PDF)
* [Handbook of Applied Cryptography](https://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/hac/index.html)
* [Handbook of Applied Cryptography](https://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/hac/index.html)
* [CS Master - Level 2- Dive into the Computer كيف يعمل الكمبيوتر](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL2zWZTDFZziX_xS2bbGfLAOHVmlzURhF) - KMR Script
* [CS Master - Level 2- Dive into the Computer كيف يعمل الكمبيوتر](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL2zWZTDFZziX_xS2bbGfLAOHVmlzURhF) - KMR Script
* [CS50 in Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL2zWZTDFZzibJ49gBM2owqCzda8meSNj) - KMR Script
* [CS50 in Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL2zWZTDFZzibJ49gBM2owqCzda8meSNj) - KMR Script
* [CS50 In Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnrlZUDQofUv7JE4QIahAyztrQU9bnJmd) - Coders Camp - Rasha Abdeen
* [CS50 In Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnrlZUDQofUv7JE4QIahAyztrQU9bnJmd) - Coders Camp - Rasha Abdeen
* [grokking-algorithms‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIxq078xdGdZl38Yx2IhYc_YpKjx7MAXW) - Nehal Elsamoly‏*(:construction: in process)*
* [Problem solving (Arabic)‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYknlDiw2kSwdDhTSDoX7ZoVEle8nbZdk) - Muhammed Afifi
* [Problem solving (Arabic)‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYknlDiw2kSwdDhTSDoX7ZoVEle8nbZdk) - Muhammed Afifi
* [Standard Template Library (STL) Full Tutorial Using C++ In Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCInYL3l2AainAE4Xq2kdNGDfG0bys2xp) - Adel Nasim
* [Standard Template Library (STL) Full Tutorial Using C++ In Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCInYL3l2AainAE4Xq2kdNGDfG0bys2xp) - Adel Nasim
* [Fundamentals Of Programming With C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDoPjvoNmBAwy-rS6WKudwVeb_x63EzgS) - Elzero Web School
* [Fundamentals Of Programming With C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDoPjvoNmBAwy-rS6WKudwVeb_x63EzgS) - Elzero Web School
* [Introduction to Programming Using C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3X--QIIK-OFIRbOHbOXbcfSAvw198lUy) - Programming Advices
* [Introduction to Programming Using C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3X--QIIK-OFIRbOHbOXbcfSAvw198lUy) - Programming Advices
* [Modern c++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkH1REggdbJpykrlVYYRteEstS6F4VNtP) - Moatasem El Sayed‏ (:construction: *in process*)
* [Modern c++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkH1REggdbJpykrlVYYRteEstS6F4VNtP) - Moatasem El Sayed‏*(:construction: in process)*
* [Object-Oriented Programming C++ in Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCInYL3l2Aaiq1oLvi9TlWtArJyAuCVow) - Adel Nasim
* [Object-Oriented Programming C++ in Arabic‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCInYL3l2Aaiq1oLvi9TlWtArJyAuCVow) - Adel Nasim
* [Object-Oriented Programming with C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMm8EjqH1EFXG_-EgmKb1gxW5S4XaQYaE) - Ahmed Sallam
* [Object-Oriented Programming with C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMm8EjqH1EFXG_-EgmKb1gxW5S4XaQYaE) - Ahmed Sallam
* [Programming 1 - Programming For Beginners - C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1DUmTEdeA6IUD9Gt5rZlQfbZyAWXd-oD) - محمد الدسوقي
* [Programming 1 - Programming For Beginners - C++‎‏](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1DUmTEdeA6IUD9Gt5rZlQfbZyAWXd-oD) - محمد الدسوقي
* [Behavioral Design Patterns بالعربى](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnqAlQ9hFYdex66Z6ViaYFQqvFD1C_G7j) - Mohammed Reda‏*(:construction: in process)*
* [Clean Code Book - بالعربي](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwWuxCLlF_ufTMlXoJlQvImqz9wIfcWsX) - Omar Ahmed
* [Clean Code Book - بالعربي](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwWuxCLlF_ufTMlXoJlQvImqz9wIfcWsX) - Omar Ahmed
* [Creational Design Patterns بالعربى](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnqAlQ9hFYdewk9UKGBcHLulZNUBpNSKJ) - Mohammed Reda
* [Creational Design Patterns بالعربى](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnqAlQ9hFYdewk9UKGBcHLulZNUBpNSKJ) - Mohammed Reda
* [Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi](https://github.com/s-matyukevich/raspberry-pi-os) - Sergey Matyukevich (:construction: *in process*)
* [Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi](https://github.com/s-matyukevich/raspberry-pi-os) - Sergey Matyukevich *(:construction: in process)*
* [Linux Journey - Fun and Easy](https://linuxjourney.com) - Cindy Quach
* [Linux Journey - Fun and Easy](https://linuxjourney.com) - Cindy Quach
* [Operating System Tutorial](https://www.scaler.com/topics/operating-system/) - Scaler Topics
* [Operating System Tutorial](https://www.scaler.com/topics/operating-system/) - Scaler Topics
* [Project eXpOS: eXperimental Operating System](https://exposnitc.github.io) - Murali Krishnan K., Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Calicut National Institute of Technology (HTML)
* [Project eXpOS: eXperimental Operating System](https://exposnitc.github.io) - Murali Krishnan K., Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Calicut National Institute of Technology (HTML)