@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good](http://learnyousomeerlang.com) - Fred Hebert (HTML)
* [Learn You Some Erlang For Great Good](http://learnyousomeerlang.com) - Fred Hebert (HTML)
* [Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors](http://www.erlang.org/download/armstrong_thesis_2003.pdf) - Joe Armstrong (PDF)
* [Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors](http://www.erlang.org/download/armstrong_thesis_2003.pdf) - Joe Armstrong (PDF)
* [Stuff Goes Bad: Erlang in Anger](https://www.erlang-in-anger.com) - Fred Herbert (PDF)
* [Stuff Goes Bad: Erlang in Anger](https://www.erlang-in-anger.com) - Fred Herbert (PDF)