@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ That section got so big, we decided to split it into its own file, the [BY SUBJE
* [ARM Assembly Language Programming ](http://www.rigwit.co.uk/ARMBook/ARMBook.pdf ) - Peter Knaggs (PDF) (:construction: *in process* )
* [ARM Assembly Language Programming ](http://www.rigwit.co.uk/ARMBook/ARMBook.pdf ) - Peter Knaggs (PDF) (:construction: *in process* )
* [Assemblers And Loaders (1993) ](http://www.davidsalomon.name/assem.advertis/asl.pdf ) - David Salomon (PDF)
* [Assemblers And Loaders (1993) ](http://www.davidsalomon.name/assem.advertis/asl.pdf ) - David Salomon (PDF)
* [Assembly Language Succinctly ](https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/details/ebooks/assemblylanguage ) (PDF)
* [PC Assembly Language ](http://pacman128.github.io/pcasm/ ) - P. A. Carter
* [PC Assembly Language ](http://pacman128.github.io/pcasm/ ) - P. A. Carter
* [Professional Assembly Language ](https://web.archive.org/web/20170329045538/http://blog.hit.edu.cn:80/jsx/upload/AT%EF%BC%86TAssemblyLanguage.pdf ) (PDF)
* [Professional Assembly Language ](https://web.archive.org/web/20170329045538/http://blog.hit.edu.cn:80/jsx/upload/AT%EF%BC%86TAssemblyLanguage.pdf ) (PDF)
* [Programming from the Ground Up ](https://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/pgubook/ProgrammingGroundUp-1-0-booksize.pdf ) - Jonathan Bartlett (PDF)
* [Programming from the Ground Up ](https://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/pgubook/ProgrammingGroundUp-1-0-booksize.pdf ) - Jonathan Bartlett (PDF)