* [Calculus Made Easy](http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/33283) - Silvanus P. Thompson (PDF)
* [Category Theory for the Sciences](http://category-theory.mitpress.mit.edu)
* [CK-12 Probability and Statistics - Advanced](http://www.ck12.org/book/Probability-and-Statistics---Advanced-%2528Second-Edition%2529/)
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* [Computer Science from the Bottom Up](http://www.bottomupcs.com)
* [How to Make a Computer Operating System (Work in Progress)](https://github.com/SamyPesse/How-to-Make-a-Computer-Operating-System)
* [How to write a simple operating system in assembly language](http://mikeos.sourceforge.net/write-your-own-os.html) - Mike Saunders (HTML)
* [Operating Systems and Middleware](https://gustavus.edu/mcs/max/os-book/) (PDF and LaTeX)
* [Operating Systems Concept 9th edition](http://codex.cs.yale.edu/avi/os-book/OS9/slide-dir/) - Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer, Galvin Greg Gagne (PDF)
* [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/) (PDF)
* [Practical File System Design: The Be File System](http://www.nobius.org/~dbg/practical-file-system-design.pdf) - Dominic Giampaolo (PDF)
* [Project Oberon: The Design of an Operating System, a Compiler, and a Computer](http://people.inf.ethz.ch/wirth/ProjectOberon/index.html) - Niklaus Wirth & Jürg Gutknecht (PDF)
* [The Art of Unix Programming](http://catb.org/esr/writings/taoup/html/) - Eric S. Raymond
* [The Design and Implementation of the Anykernel and Rump Kernels](http://www.fixup.fi/misc/rumpkernel-book/) - Antti Kantee
* [The little book about OS development](https://littleosbook.github.io) - Erik Helin, Adam Renberg
* [The Little Book of Semaphores](http://greenteapress.com/semaphores/) - Allen B. Downey
* [Think OS: A Brief Introduction to Operating Systems](http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkos/index.html) - Allen B. Downey (PDF)
* [UNIX Application and System Programming, lecture notes](http://www.compsci.hunter.cuny.edu/~sweiss/course_materials/unix_lecture_notes.php) - Prof. Stewart Weiss (PDF)
* [Writing a Simple Operating System from Scratch](http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~exr/lectures/opsys/10_11/lectures/os-dev.pdf) - Nick Blundell (PDF)
* [Xv6, a simple Unix-like teaching operating system](https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2012/xv6.html)
@ -1440,6 +1445,7 @@ For resources on Angular, Backbone, D3, Dojo, Ember, Express, jQuery, Knockout,