* [Test-Driven Web Development with Python](http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000000754/index.html) (3.3 - 3.x)
* [Test-Driven Web Development with Python](http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000000754/index.html) (3.3 - 3.x)
* [Text Processing in Python](http://gnosis.cx/TPiP/) - David Mertz (2.3 - 2.x)
* [Text Processing in Python](http://gnosis.cx/TPiP/) - David Mertz (2.3 - 2.x)
* [The Art and Craft of Programming](http://beastie.cs.ua.edu/cs150/book/index.html) (3.x)
* [The Art and Craft of Programming](http://beastie.cs.ua.edu/cs150/book/index.html) (3.x)
* [The Programming Historian](http://niche-canada.org/files/programming-historian-1.pdf) - William J. Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern (PDF)
* [The Programming Historian](http://niche-canada.org/research/niche-digital-infrastructure-project/the-programming-historian/) - William J. Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern
* [Think Python](http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/) - Allen B. Downey (2.x & 3.0)
* [Think Python](http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/) - Allen B. Downey (2.x & 3.0)
* [Welcome to Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/index.html) - Brad Miller and David Ranum
* [Welcome to Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/index.html) - Brad Miller and David Ranum