* [How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version](http://greenteapress.com/thinkcpp/index.html) - Allen B. Downey
* [How To Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version](http://greenteapress.com/thinkcpp/index.html) - Allen B. Downey
* [Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4](http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/9780131879058/downloads/0131879057_Ezust_book.pdf) - Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust (PDF)
* [Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt 4](http://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/9780131879058/downloads/0131879057_Ezust_book.pdf) - Alan Ezust, Paul Ezust (PDF)
* [Joint Strike Fighter, C++ Coding Standards, by Bjarne Stroustrup](http://www.stroustrup.com/JSF-AV-rules.pdf) (PDF)
* [Joint Strike Fighter, C++ Coding Standards, by Bjarne Stroustrup](http://www.stroustrup.com/JSF-AV-rules.pdf) (PDF)