add chinese name to some books

XiangXin 12 years ago
parent f468ad456f
commit cf980f0b0f
  1. 86

@ -278,67 +278,67 @@
* [Probability and Statistics Cookbook -- 《概率与统计参考书》](
* [97 Things Every Programmer Should Know](
* [97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended](
* [A Mathematical Theory of Communication]( by Claude E.Shannon
* [Asterisk™: The Definitive Guide](
* [How to Think Like a Computer Scientist](
* [I Am a Bug](
* [Learn to Program](
* [Foundations of Programming](
* [Communicating Sequential Processes]( (PDF) by Tony Hoare
* [Come, Let's Play: Scenario-Based Programming Using Live Sequence Charts](
* [Computer Musings]( (lectures by Donald Knuth)
* [How Computers Work](
* [Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce]( (PDF)
* [Designing Interfaces]( by Jennifer Tidwell
* [Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists](
* [Distributed systems for fun and profit](
* [Flow based Programming](
* [Getting Real](
* [Magic Ink: Information Software and The Graphical Interface](!/MagicInk) by Bret Victor
* [Modeling Reactive Systems with Statecharts](
* [PNG: The Definitive Guide](
* [Pointers And Memory]( (PDF)
* [Project Oberon]( (PDF)
* [Security Engineering](
* [Small Memory Software](
* [SVG Essentials](
* [Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing]( - Victor Eijkhout
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns]( - Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse and Oscar Nierstrasz
* [High-Performance Scientific Computing]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Mother Tongues of Computer Languages]( (PNG)
* [97 Things Every Programmer Should Know -- 《每个程序员都应该知道的97件事》](
* [97 Things Every Programmer Should Know - Extended -- 《每个程序员都应该知道的97件事-扩展》](
* [A Mathematical Theory of Communication -- 《通信的数学理论》]( by Claude E.Shannon
* [Asterisk™: The Definitive Guide -- 《Asterisk™:权威指南》](
* [How to Think Like a Computer Scientist -- 《如何像计算机科学家那样思考》](
* [I Am a Bug -- 《我是一个Bug》](
* [Learn to Program -- 《学习编程》](
* [Foundations of Programming -- 《编程基础》](
* [Communicating Sequential Processes -- 《通信顺序进程》]( (PDF) by Tony Hoare
* [Come, Let's Play: Scenario-Based Programming Using Live Sequence Charts -- 《来吧,让我们玩:基于场景的编程使用即时序列图》](
* [Computer Musings -- 《计算机沉思录》]( (lectures by Donald Knuth)
* [How Computers Work -- 《计算机工作原理》](
* [Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce -- 《MapReduce的数据密集型的文字处理》]( (PDF)
* [Designing Interfaces -- 《接口设计》]( by Jennifer Tidwell
* [Digital Signal Processing For Engineers and Scientists -- 《工程师和科学家的数字信号处理技术》](
* [Distributed systems for fun and profit -- 《分布式系统的乐趣和利润》](
* [Flow based Programming -- 《基于流的编程》](
* [Getting Real -- 《获得真理》](
* [Magic Ink: Information Software and The Graphical Interface -- 《魔术的墨水:信息软件和图形界面》](!/MagicInk) by Bret Victor
* [Modeling Reactive Systems with Statecharts -- 《反应系统建模与状态图》](
* [PNG: The Definitive Guide -- 《PNG:权威指南》](
* [Pointers And Memory -- 《指针和内存》]( (PDF)
* [Project Oberon -- 《项目奥伯伦》]( (PDF)
* [Security Engineering -- 《安全工程》](
* [Small Memory Software -- 《小型存储软件》](
* [SVG Essentials -- 《SVG要点》](
* [Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing -- 《高性能科学计算简介》]( - Victor Eijkhout
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns -- 《面向对象的再造模式》]( - Serge Demeyer, Stéphane Ducasse and Oscar Nierstrasz
* [High-Performance Scientific Computing -- 《高性能科学计算》]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Mother Tongues of Computer Languages -- 《计算机语言的母语》]( (PNG)
* [Book of Speed]( by Stoyan Stefanov
* [Book of Speed -- 《速度之书》]( by Stoyan Stefanov
* [MIT OCW](
* [MIT OCW -- 麻省理工学院“开放式课程网页”](
* [Coursera](
* [Udacity](
* [edX](
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice]( (PDF) *(RedGate, By Neil Davidson)*
* [Confessions of an IT Manager]( *(RedGate, By Phil Factor)*
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice -- 《不要只是掷骰子》]( (PDF) *(RedGate, By Neil Davidson)*
* [Confessions of an IT Manager -- 《IT经理的自白》]( *(RedGate, By Phil Factor)*
* [Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming](
* [Ada Distilled]( (PDF)
* [Ada for Software Engineers]( (PDF)
* [Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming -- 《Ada 95:面向对象编程的工艺》](
* [Ada Distilled -- 《Ada精华》]( (PDF)
* [Ada for Software Engineers -- 《Ada软件工程师》]( (PDF)
* [Google Android Developer Training](
* [Coreservlets Android Programming Tutorial](
* [Expert Android and Eclipse development knowledge](
* [Google Android Developer Training -- 《谷歌Android开发培训》](
* [Coreservlets Android Programming Tutorial -- 《Coreservlets Android编程教程》](
* [Expert Android and Eclipse development knowledge -- 《专家Android和Eclipse开发知识》](
* [A Practical Introduction to APL1 & APL2](
* [A Practical Introduction to APL2 & APL3](
* [Mastering Dyalog APL]( (PDF)
* [A Practical Introduction to APL1 & APL2 -- 《APL1&APL2实用导论》](
* [A Practical Introduction to APL2 & APL3 -- 《APL2&APL3实用导论》](
* [Mastering Dyalog APL -- 《掌握Dyalog APL》]( (PDF)
