translate some book's name

XiangXin 12 years ago
parent e5f9d42038
commit fdde210ce6
  1. 168

@ -146,113 +146,113 @@
* [Algorithms and Data-Structures]( (PDF)
* [Algorithms]( (draft)
* [Algorithms Course Materials]( - Jeff Erickson
* [Binary Trees]( (PDF)
* [Clever Algorithms](
* [Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications]( (chapters 1 and 9, pseudo-code)
* [Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples](
* [The Algorithm Design Manual](
* [Hacker's Delight]( (chapter 2, code)
* [LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing](
* [Planning Algorithms](
* [Linked List Basics]( (PDF)
* [Linked List Problems]( (PDF)
* [Open Data Structures](
* [Purely Functional Data Structures]( (PDF)
* [The Great Tree List Recursion Problem]( (PDF)
* [Matters Computational](
* [Algorithmic Graph Theory](
* [Foundations of Computer Science]( - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman
* [A Field Guide To Genetic Programming](
* [The Art of Computer Programming]( (fascicles, mostly volume 4)
* [Programming Pearls](
* [Algorithms for Programmers: Ideas and Source Code]( (PDF)
* [Sequential and parallel sorting algorithms](
* [Text Algorithms]( (PDF)
* [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures](
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 1, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 2, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Algorithms and Data-Structures -- 《算法和数据结构》]( (PDF)
* [Algorithms -- 《算法》]( (draft)
* [Algorithms Course Materials -- 《算法教材》]( - Jeff Erickson
* [Binary Trees -- 《二叉树》]( (PDF)
* [Clever Algorithms -- 《巧妙的算法》](
* [Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications -- 《计算几何:算法和应用》]( (chapters 1 and 9, pseudo-code)
* [Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples -- 《数据结构与算法:带注释的参考例子》](
* [The Algorithm Design Manual -- 《算法设计手册》](
* [Hacker's Delight -- 《黑客的乐趣》]( (chapter 2, code)
* [LEDA: A Platform for Combinatorial and Geometric Computing -- 《LEDA:组合和几何运算平台》](
* [Planning Algorithms -- 《规划算法》](
* [Linked List Basics -- 《链表基础》]( (PDF)
* [Linked List Problems -- 《链表问题》]( (PDF)
* [Open Data Structures -- 《开放式数据结构》](
* [Purely Functional Data Structures -- 《纯粹的功能性数据结构》]( (PDF)
* [The Great Tree List Recursion Problem -- 《大规模树列表递归问题》]( (PDF)
* [Matters Computational -- 《计算的事项》](
* [Algorithmic Graph Theory -- 《图论算法》](
* [Foundations of Computer Science -- 《计算机科学基础》]( - Al Aho and Jeff Ullman
* [A Field Guide To Genetic Programming -- 《遗传编程的一个领域指南》](
* [The Art of Computer Programming -- 《计算机程序设计艺术》]( (fascicles, mostly volume 4)
* [Programming Pearls -- 《编程珠玑》](
* [Algorithms for Programmers: Ideas and Source Code -- 《程序员:思想和源代码的算法》]( (PDF)
* [Sequential and parallel sorting algorithms -- 《顺序和并行排序算法》](
* [Text Algorithms -- 《文本算法》]( (PDF)
* [Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures -- 《算法和数据结构问题解决》](
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 1, Syncfusion -- 《数据结构精讲》]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Data Structures Succinctly Part 2, Syncfusion -- 《数据结构精讲》]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](
* [Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation](
* [Introduction to Computing](
* [An Introduction to the Theory of Computation](
* [Think Complexity]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -- 《计算机程序的构造和解释》](
* [Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation -- 《编程语言:适用范围及释义》](
* [Introduction to Computing -- 《计算概论》](
* [An Introduction to the Theory of Computation -- 《计算理论简介》](
* [Think Complexity -- 《思想复杂性》]( - Allen B. Downey
* [The Art of Unix Programming](
* [The Little Book of Semaphores]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Operating Systems and Middleware]( (PDF and LaTeX)
* [Practical File System Design:The Be File System]( - Dominic Giampaolo
* [The Art of Unix Programming -- 《Unix编程的艺术》](
* [The Little Book of Semaphores -- 《信号灯的手册》]( - Allen B. Downey
* [Operating Systems and Middleware -- 《操作系统和中间件》]( (PDF and LaTeX)
* [Practical File System Design:The Be File System -- 《实用的文件系统设计:BE文件系统》]( - Dominic Giampaolo
* [Database Fundamentals]( (PDF)
* [Database-backed Web Sites](
* [Database Fundamentals -- 《数据库基础》]( (PDF)
* [Database-backed Web Sites -- 《数据库支持的Web站点》](
* [High-Performance Browser Networking](
* [The TCP/IP Guide](
* [Understanding IP Addressing: Everything you ever wanted to know]( (PDF)
* [ZeroMQ Guide](
* [Network Security Tools](
* [HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [High-Performance Browser Networking -- 《高性能浏览器网络》](
* [The TCP/IP Guide -- 《TCP/ IP协议指南》](
* [Understanding IP Addressing: Everything you ever wanted to know -- 《了解IP寻址:你曾经想知道的一切》]( (PDF)
* [ZeroMQ Guide -- 《ZeroMQ指南》](
* [Network Security Tools -- 《网络安全工具》](
* [HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion -- 《HTTP精讲》]( (PDF, Kindle) *(Just fill the fields with any values)*
* [Compiler Construction]( (PDF)
* [Let's Build a Compiler]( (PDF)
* [Linkers and loaders](
* [Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples](
* [Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Compiler Construction]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Compiler Construction -- 《编译器构造》]( (PDF)
* [Let's Build a Compiler -- 《建立一个编译器》]( (PDF)
* [Linkers and loaders -- 《链接器和加载器》](
* [Compiler Design: Theory, Tools, and Examples -- 《编译器设计:理论,工具和范例》](
* [Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Compiler Construction -- 《编译器建设方面的理论与实践》]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Introduction to Functional Programming]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Type Theory and Functional Programming](
* [Introduction to Functional Programming -- 《功能性编程简介》]( (class lectures and slides)
* [Type Theory and Functional Programming -- 《类型理论与函数式编程》](
* [How to Write Parallel Programs](
* [High Performance Computing]( (PDF, ePUB) - Charles Severance & Kevin Dowd
* [Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It?](
* [Introduction to Parallel Computing]( - Blaise Barney
* [How to Write Parallel Programs -- 《如何编写并行程序》](
* [High Performance Computing -- 《高性能计算》]( (PDF, ePUB) - Charles Severance & Kevin Dowd
* [Is Parallel Programming Hard, And, If So, What Can You Do About It? -- 《并行编程难吗,而且,如果是这样,你能做些什么呢?》](
* [Introduction to Parallel Computing -- 《并行计算简介》]( - Blaise Barney
* [Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture]( (PDF)
* [How to write Unmaintainable Code](
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns](
* [Patterns and Practices: Application Architecture Guide 2.0](
* [The Definitive Guide to Building Code Quality](
* [Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community]( (PDF)
* [Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review](
* [Domain Driven Design Quickly](
* [Essential Skills for Agile Development](
* [Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge](
* [Programming Reliable Systems (Joe Armstrong's PhD thesis)]( (PDF)
* [How to Design Programs](
* [NASA Manager Handbook for Software Development]( (PDF)
* [NASA Software Measurement Handbook](
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice](
* [Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture -- 《无缝的面向对象的软件架构》]( (PDF)
* [How to write Unmaintainable Code -- 《如何写不可维护的代码》](
* [Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns -- 《面向对象的再造模式》](
* [Patterns and Practices: Application Architecture Guide 2.0 -- 《模式与实践:应用架构指南2.0》](
* [The Definitive Guide to Building Code Quality -- 《构建高质量代码的权威指南》](
* [Patterns of Software: Tales from the Software Community -- 《软件模式:从软件社区的故事说起》]( (PDF)
* [Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review -- 《保存最好的同行代码审查的秘密》](
* [Domain Driven Design Quickly -- 《领域驱动快速设计》](
* [Essential Skills for Agile Development -- 《敏捷开发的基本技能》](
* [Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge -- 《软件工程知识体系指南》](
* [Programming Reliable Systems (Joe Armstrong's PhD thesis) -- 《可靠的系统编程(乔·阿姆斯特朗的博士论文)》]( (PDF)
* [How to Design Programs -- 《如何设计程序》](
* [NASA Manager Handbook for Software Development -- 《NASA经理软件开发手册》]( (PDF)
* [NASA Software Measurement Handbook -- 《NASA软件测量手册》](
* [Don't Just Roll the Dice -- 《不要只是掷骰子》](
* [Data Journalism Handbook](
* [Free Software, Free Society](
* [Getting started with Open source development]( (PDF)
* [Innovation Happens Elsewhere](
* [Producing Open Source Software](
* [The Cathedral and the Bazaar](
* [The Architecture of Open Source Applications](
* [The Future of the Internet](
* [The Performance of Open Source Applications](
* [Data Journalism Handbook -- 《数据新闻手册》](
* [Free Software, Free Society -- 《自由软件,自由社会》](
* [Getting started with Open source development -- 《开源开发入门》]( (PDF)
* [Innovation Happens Elsewhere -- 《创新在别处发生》](
* [Producing Open Source Software -- 《构建开源软件》](
* [The Cathedral and the Bazaar -- 《大教堂和市集》](
* [The Architecture of Open Source Applications -- 《开源应用程序的体系结构》](
* [The Future of the Internet -- 《互联网的未来》](
* [The Performance of Open Source Applications -- 《开源应用程序的性能》](
* [Introduction to Information Retrieval](
* [Introduction to Information Retrieval -- 《现代信息检索》](
* [Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms]( (Draft)
* [Mining of Massive Datasets](
* [The Elements of Statistical Learning](
* [Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms -- 《数据挖掘和分析:基本概念和算法》]( (Draft)
* [Mining of Massive Datasets -- 《海量数据集挖掘》](
* [The Elements of Statistical Learning -- 《统计学习的元素》](
* [Programming Computer Vision with Python](
