/** * Butterfly * for aside archives */ 'use strict' hexo.extend.helper.register('aside_archives', function (options = {}) { const { config } = this const archiveDir = config.archive_dir const { timezone } = config const lang = toMomentLocale(this.page.lang || this.page.language || config.language) let { format } = options const type = options.type || 'monthly' const { transform } = options const showCount = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, 'show_count') ? options.show_count : true const order = options.order || -1 const compareFunc = type === 'monthly' ? (yearA, monthA, yearB, monthB) => yearA === yearB && monthA === monthB : (yearA, monthA, yearB, monthB) => yearA === yearB const limit = options.limit let result = '' if (!format) { format = type === 'monthly' ? 'MMMM YYYY' : 'YYYY' } const posts = this.site.posts.sort('date', order) if (!posts.length) return result const data = [] let length = 0 posts.forEach(post => { // Clone the date object to avoid pollution let date = post.date.clone() if (timezone) date = date.tz(timezone) const year = date.year() const month = date.month() + 1 const lastData = data[length - 1] if (!lastData || !compareFunc(lastData.year, lastData.month, year, month)) { if (lang) date = date.locale(lang) const name = date.format(format) length = data.push({ name, year, month, count: 1 }) } else { lastData.count++ } }) const link = item => { let url = `${archiveDir}/${item.year}/` if (type === 'monthly') { if (item.month < 10) url += '0' url += `${item.month}/` } return this.url_for(url) } const len = data.length const Judge = limit === 0 ? len : Math.min(len, limit) result += `
${this._p('aside.card_archives')}` if (len > Judge) { result += ` ` } result += '
' return result }) const toMomentLocale = function (lang) { if (lang === undefined) { return undefined } // moment.locale('') equals moment.locale('en') // moment.locale(null) equals moment.locale('en') if (!lang || lang === 'en' || lang === 'default') { return 'en' } return lang.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') }