--- - taxonomy: 常用推荐 icon: far fa-star links: - title: 牧尘的网络日志 logo: muchen.png url: https://www.dreamlyn.cn description: 牧尘的网络日志 - title: 游刃智能机器人 logo: muchen.png url: https://bot.yr-tek.cn/index description: 游刃智能机器人 - 基于chatgpt - title: 个人知识库 logo: outline.png url: https://outline.dreamlyn.cn:8443/ description: Outline - 个人知识库 - title: 碎片知识管理 logo: memos.png url: https://memos.dreamlyn.cn:8443 description: Memos - 碎片知识管理 # - title: Plex # logo: plex.png # url: http://plex.dreamlyn.cn:880 # description: Plex - 流媒体服务 - title: Gitea logo: gitea.png url: https://gitea.dreamlyn.cn:8443 description: Gitea - 版本管理工具 # - title: yApi # logo: yapi.png # url: http://yapi.dreamlyn.cn:880 # description: yApi - 接口管理工具 # - title: 个人书签 # logo: linkace.png # url: https://linkace.dreamlyn.cn:8443/dashboard # description: Linkace - 个人书签 # - title: Jenkins # logo: jenkins.png # url: http://jenkins.dreamlyn.cn:880 # description: Jenkins - 自动构建工具 # - title: n8n # logo: n8n.png # url: http://n8n.dreamlyn.cn:880 # description: n8n # - title: FreshRSS # logo: freshrss.png # url: https://freshrss.dreamlyn.cn:8443 # description: FreshRSS - RSS仓库 # - title: RSSHub # logo: rsshub.png # url: https://rsshub.dreamlyn.cn:8443 # description: RSSHub - RSS工具 #- taxonomy: 服务管理 # icon: fas fa-server fa-lg # list: # - term: NAS服务 # links: # - title: 群晖 # logo: synology-dsm.png # url: http://nas.dreamlyn.cn:880/ # description: 群晖服务器 # - title: 威联通 # logo: qnap.png # url: http://qnap.dreamlyn.cn:880/ # description: 威联通服务器 # - title: 群晖TR # logo: transmission.png # url: http://ntr.dreamlyn.cn:880/ # description: 群晖TR # - title: 威联通TR # logo: transmission.png # url: http://qtr.dreamlyn.cn:880/ # description: 威联通TR # - title: 威联通QB # logo: qbittorrent.png # url: http://qb.dreamlyn.cn:880/ # description: 威联通QB # - term: 管理工具 # links: # - title: traefik # logo: traefik.png # url: http://traefik.dreamlyn.cn:880/ # description: 反向代理工具 # - title: Portainer # logo: portainer.png # url: http://portainer.dreamlyn.cn:880 # description: 容器管理工具 # - title: Keycloak # logo: keycloak.png # url: https://keycloak.dreamlyn.cn:8443 # description: 单点登录 # - title: Minio # logo: minio.png # url: https://minio.dreamlyn.cn:9001 # description: 对象存储服务 # - term: 后台管理 # links: # - title: 阿里云 # logo: 阿里云.jpg # url: https://home.console.aliyun.com/home/dashboard/ProductAndService # description: 上云就上阿里云。 # - title: 腾讯云 # logo: 腾讯云.jpg # url: https://console.cloud.tencent.com/ # description: 产业智变,云启未来。 # - title: 花生壳管理 # logo: oray.ico # url: https://console.oray.com/ # description: 域名管理。 # - title: DNSPod # logo: 'dnspod.ico' # url: https://console.dnspod.cn/ # description: DNS管理。 # - title: 百度智能云 # logo: 百度智能云.ico # url: https://console.bce.baidu.com/ # description: 百度智能云。 # - title: 微信公众平台 # logo: 微信公众号.png # url: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/ # description: 微信公众平台。 # - title: 字节跳动小程序 # logo: 字节跳动小程序.ico # url: https://microapp.bytedance.com/ # description: 字节跳动小程序管理。 # - title: QQ小程序 # logo: 'QQ小程序.ico' # url: https://q.qq.com/ # description: QQ小程序管理。 # - title: 聚合数据 # logo: 聚合数据.ico # url: https://www.juhe.cn/ # description: 聚合数据。 # - title: 祢豆子 # logo: vpn.png # url: https://xn--i8sr31es4m.com/#/dashboard # description: 祢豆子。 # - title: natfrp # logo: chronograf.png # url: https://www.natfrp.com/ # description: natfrp。 - taxonomy: 小说推文 icon: fa fa-code fa-lg list: - term: 找图做图 links: - title: 花瓣网 logo: huaban.ico url: https://huaban.com/ description: 花瓣网 - title: Draft logo: draft.ico url: https://draft.art/ description: Draft - title: 无界AI logo: wujie.ico url: https://www.wujieai.com/register?inviteCode=NSYDMV description: 无界AI - title: Vega AI logo: vega.ico url: https://rightbrain.art?inviteCode=JM7Q0P6F。 description: Vega AI - title: 图怪兽 logo: tuguaishou.ico url: https://818ps.com/?ius=9246356 description: 图怪兽 - 在线作图 - title: 图片去背景 logo: webkit.png url: https://www.remove.bg/zh description: 在线抠图软件 - 图片去背景。 - title: 图片放大 logo: webkit.png url: https://create.pixelcut.ai/upscaler description: 在线图片放大工具。 - term: 配音工具 links: - title: 逗哥配音 logo: douge.ico url: https://douge.club/index?from=bMZNBf description: 逗哥配音(性价比高) - title: 魔音工坊 logo: moyin.ico url: https://www.moyin.com/ description: 魔音工坊(效果好,贵) - title: TTS-VUE logo: github.png url: https://github.com/LokerL/tts-vue/ description: 想做好的话,尽量不用(Github开源,效果不理想) - term: 人工智能 links: - title: ChatGPT logo: chatgpt.png url: https://chat.openai.com/ description: Welcome to ChatGPT. - title: Civitai logo: Civitai.ico url: https://civitai.com/ description: Stable Diffusion模型库. - title: MidJourney logo: midjourney.png url: https://www.midjourney.com/app/ description: MidJourney - title: MJ知识库 logo: midjourney.png url: https://tob-design.yuque.com/kxcufk/mj description: MJ知识库,比较全面 - title: SD知识库 logo: sd.png url: https://tob-design.yuque.com/kxcufk/sd description: SD知识库,比较全面 - term: 提示词 links: - title: 标签超市 logo: sd.png url: https://tags.novelai.dev/ description: SD提示词. - title: SD提示词 logo: sd.png url: https://tag.dreamlyn.cn:8443/ description: SD提示词. - title: MJ关键词 logo: midjourney.png url: https://qfbz1.cn/midjourney%e5%85%b3%e9%94%ae%e8%af%8d description: MJ关键词 - term: 短视频 links: - title: 抖音创作者 logo: douyin.ico url: https://creator.douyin.com/creator-micro/home description: 抖音创作者服务平台. - title: 快手创作者 logo: kuaishou.ico url: https://cp.kuaishou.com/profile description: 快手创作者服务平台. - taxonomy: 工具资料 icon: fas fa-flask fa-lg list: - term: 开源资料 links: - title: Element-UI logo: elementui.ico url: https://element.eleme.cn/#/zh-CN/component/installation description: Element-UI。 - title: Hutool logo: hutool.ico url: https://hutool.cn/docs/#/ description: Hutool。 - title: Vue.js logo: vue.png url: https://cn.vuejs.org/ description: Vue.js - 渐进式JS框架。 - title: UniApp logo: uniapp.png url: https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/ description: UniApp。 - title: Vant logo: vant.png url: https://vant-contrib.gitee.io/vant/#/zh-CN description: Vant。 - title: Animate logo: animate.png url: https://animate.style/ description: Animate。 - term: 常用工具 links: - title: FreeSSL logo: FreeSSL.png url: https://freessl.cn/ description: FreeSSL - 免费申请SSL证书。 - title: SSL/TLS安全评估报告 logo: myssl.png url: https://myssl.com/ description: 检测网站的SSL证书是否安全,是否存在漏洞,是否达到SSL行业标准。 - title: Maven仓库 logo: maven.ico url: https://mvnrepository.com/ description: Maven仓库。 - title: Banner生成 logo: graylog.png url: http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Isometric2&t=Industry description: Banner生成工具。 - title: Diagrams logo: diagrams.png url: https://www.diagrams.net/ description: 绘制框图等。 - title: SMS-Active logo: sms-active.png url: https://sms-activate.org/ description: 虚拟短信平台。 - taxonomy: 素材资源 icon: far fa-folder-open fa-lg list: - term: 图标素材 links: - title: Iconfinder logo: Iconfinder.png url: https://www.iconfinder.com description: 2,100,000+ free and premium vector icons. - title: iconfont logo: iconfont.png url: http://www.iconfont.cn/ description: 阿里巴巴矢量图标库。 - title: Font Awesome Icon logo: fontawesomeicon.png url: https://fontawesome.com/icons/ description: The complete set of 675 icons in Font Awesome. - title: Icon Archive logo: iconarchive.png url: http://www.iconarchive.com/ description: Search 590,912 free icons. - title: FindIcons logo: FindIcons.png url: https://findicons.com/ description: Search through 300,000 free icons. - title: Material icons logo: Materialicons.png url: https://material.io/icons/ description: Access over 900 material system icons, available in a variety of sizes and densities, and as a web font. - title: Fontawesome logo: UICloud.png url: https://fontawesome.dashgame.com/ description: fontawesome - term: 平面素材 links: - title: 千库网 logo: qianku.png url: http://588ku.com/ description: 免费 png 图片背景素材下载。 - title: 免费图片 logo: 语雀话题.png url: https://pixabay.com/zh/ description: 无版权免费图片。 - title: RGB颜色对照 logo: xiyou.png url: https://tool.oschina.net/commons?type=3 description: RGB颜色对照。 - taxonomy: 其他常用 icon: fas fa-record-vinyl fa-lg list: - term: PT站点 links: - title: CHDBits logo: chdbits.ico url: https://chdbits.co/index.php description: CHDBits - title: M-Team logo: m-team.ico url: https://kp.m-team.cc/index.php description: M-Team - title: 北洋园 logo: tjupt.png url: https://www.tjupt.org/index.php description: 北洋园 - title: BTSCHOOL logo: btschool.ico url: https://pt.btschool.club/ description: BTSCHOOL - title: 海胆之家 logo: haidan.ico url: https://www.haidan.video/index.php description: 海胆之家 - title: NicePT logo: nicept.ico url: https://www.nicept.net/index.php description: NicePT - title: PT时间 logo: PTTime.ico url: https://www.pttime.org/index.php description: PT时间 - title: PT之友俱乐部 logo: PTerClub.ico url: https://pterclub.com/ description: PT之友俱乐部 # - title: Avistaz # logo: avistaz.png # url: https://avistaz.to/ # description: avistaz # - title: Exoticaz # logo: exoticaz.png # url: https://exoticaz.to/ # description: exoticaz - term: 邮箱登录 links: - title: 公司邮箱 logo: 163.ico url: https://qy.163.com/login/ description: 公司邮箱 - title: Lark邮箱 logo: lark.png url: https://dreamlyn.larksuite.com/mail description: Lark邮箱 - title: QQ邮箱 logo: qqmail.png url: https://mail.qq.com/ description: QQ邮箱